These Coffee Machines have single to triple group and have 200 to 300 capacity of forming cups. They are provided with great brewing chamber and provide excellent temperature for making coffee.
The Electric Ovens are made from superior quality of stainless steel and ceramic material with acrylic enamel coating. The ovens provides high temperature for making of cookies, biscuits, breads and etc.
The Commercial Blenders have the best grinding three-teeth sharp blades for mixing the different food products. In addition of this, they gives smooth, frothy and tasty juices, drinks, cocktails and shakes.
Coffee Bean Grinders provided by us, are modern, automatic and sturdy in construction. These are used in cafes, restaurants and hotels as they have well-organized functioning and large making production capacity.
Food Preparation Equipment are used for cutting the vegetables in different shapes, electric cooking stove for making dosa, sandwich and more. All the provided products are machine-driven in function.
Macquino Innovations LLP is a leading manufacturer and
supplier of a wide range of high-performance Food Processing Equipment specially
designed for commercial kitchens, hotels, and restaurants to easily carry out
various operations such as frying, baking, and others.
Bakery Equipments are highly reliable and effective in working and have longer period of life. The offered planetary mixer are used for making the pizza, cake and biscuit dough.
"We are mainly dealing in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu."